New Year Reflections

“May I live this day, Compassionate of heart, Clear in word, Gracious in awareness, Courageous in thought, Generous in love.”

John O’ Donohue

In light of so much going on in the world at the moment and the Gregorian New Year, I wanted to share some thoughts that have really helped me over the last while. So much is happening all at once, so much social turmoil etc etc… more than can be put into words. How can we cope? It’s not anything I think anybody doesn’t know but maybe will at least be reaffirming.

Stay connected into your higher self and ancestors. They will not lead you astray. Stay connected to them through meditation and dream work. Practice by asking them a question before you sleep and then analyzing the symbology you are shown.

Stay focused on the people in your life where there is a mutual interchange of light, energy and support. Find. your. people.

The love or energy you gave (regardless if reciprocated) will often come back to you in multiplied and unexpected ways.

Work together with others on as many projects as possible. Help build communities. There is genuine power in numbers.

Let negative media influence fall away from you. Instagram is the worst for that. Everyone has unseen flaws. Everyone has huge trauma and issues they had or will have to navigate and overcome.

Your self worth can’t be impacted when you’re dedicated to self healing, being a good person and know you had or have authentic intentions.

You are the most important relationship you will have.

Be what you want in others.

Observe, don’t absorb.

You are your healer.

You are your medicine.

Nothing can harm the real you, your consciousness.

Authenticity is as powerful as love.

Everything wild and free needs us to remember these things, including our own bodies so that we can set about the real work…

breaking and changing power structures that no longer serve truth.

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